Results Guide

Do you need help navigating our calculators? Review our comprehensive Results guide.

You may alter specific fields within either calculator. The Property Optimiser has more editable fields.

Click anywhere within the field to add data. Typically you will add dollar or percentage amendments (including negatives) to alter your data.

However, you may add free-text to the Key Event/Renovation field to identify exactly why a forecast has changed in a particular year.

You may accept your change by clicking on the tick button, or cancel the amendment by selecting the cross button.

Results Introduction
Results Future and Present Value
Simulate cost-of-living changes (inflation) in your forecast.  Where you add data into an Adjusted for Indexation or Adjusted for Inflation field, we will calculate the actual (present value) cost incurred based on the indexation and inflation data in your forecast. You may also use non-indexation adjusted (future value) fields within your forecast. These do not include an inflation adjustment.

Simulate cost-of-living changes (inflation) in your forecast. 

Where you add data into an Adjusted for Indexation or Adjusted for Inflation field, we will calculate the actual (present value) cost incurred based on the indexation and inflation data in your forecast.

You may also use non-indexation adjusted (future value) fields within your forecast. These do not include an inflation adjustment.

Results Future and Present Value

It is important to add data in the most efficient way within the Results section. 

Adding data above the Detailed Assumptions section will result in a change to the calculation for a single year of the forecast.

Adding data within the Detailed Assumptions section will result in a change to to the calculation for every remaining year of the forecast.

Results Alter Data

The same principles have been used across all editable fields. With practise, the Results page becomes simple, yet powerful. Review the videos below to see how our calculators can be manipulated for specific situations.

How can you forecast the impact of renovations on a property?

How can you create Interest Only loan forecasts?

How can you forecast an Introductory interest rate on our calculators?

For more information about Investor Forecasts or any content on this page, please reach out to us.

The content and calculations of Investor Forecasts are for informational purposes only and are not provided as financial advice. They are not a substitution for professional financial advice and are to be used or relied on at your own risk. 

You should make your own enquiries regarding any potential investments or other financial transaction you consider entering into. We strongly suggest you seek independent financial advice from a qualified adviser before acting or not acting on any information contained on Investor Forecasts. 

We do not recommend disregarding the advice of such professionals because of something you have read, viewed, heard or calculations performed on Investor Forecasts.

Please refer to our terms of use for further information.