Data Entry Guide

Do you need help navigating our calculators? Review our comprehensive Data Entry guide.

Transition between various Data Entry sections using the accordions. Click on an accordion to open and close a section.

Data Entry Accordions
Data Entry Field Selections

Provide responses to each question based on the type of field. Drop-down fields are identified by the ∨ symbol. Make a specific selection when interacting with this field.

Provide appropriate dollar and percentage answers to fields based on the $ or % symbol at the left of the field.

Note, some fields allow toggling. Toggle and provide the answer that is most appropriate for the situation.

Provide responses to each question based on the type of field. Drop-down fields are identified by the ∨ symbol. Make a specific selection when interacting with this field.

Provide appropriate dollar and percentage answers to fields based on the $ or % symbol at the left of the field.

Note, some fields allow toggling. Toggle and provide the answer that is most appropriate for the situation.

Data Entry Field Selections

With practise, using our calculators will become second-nature. Until that time you can use our info button for additional information about any question on the Data Entry page.

Data Entry Info Button
Data Entry Detailed Expenses

Whether you are new to investing or prudent with your numbers, you can access a detailed expenses menu for Regular Expenses and Acquisition Fees. Simply click on the calculator button to the right of either field or place a lump sum total value without using the menu options.

Whether you are new to investing or prudent with your numbers, you can access a detailed expenses menu for Regular Expenses and Acquisition Fees. Simply click on the calculator button to the right of either field or place a lump sum total value without using the menu options.

Data Entry Detailed Expenses

Add tailored fields in either detailed expenses menu, changing cost names to align to actual property costs. Alter amounts in the field to align to individual expected property expenses. 

Use default fields to assess the minimum expenses you may expect to pay and reset the field to quickly remove all expense data.

Within the Regular Property Expenses calculator, add percentage-based expenses, toggle between percentage and dollar tailored expenses and alter the cost frequency with ease. 

Data Entry Pop-Up Calculators
Data Entry Tax Details

Alter and change tax assumptions for your forecast in the Tax Details section. Add and remove investors using provided buttons. 

Insert assumed Property Ownership, Tax Rates and alter CGT Discount Rates.

Not sure what CGT discount you may obtain? Take a look at this website.

Alter and change tax assumptions for your forecast in the Tax Details section. Add and remove investors using provided buttons. 

Insert assumed Property Ownership, Tax Rates and alter CGT Discount Rates.

Not sure what CGT discount you may obtain? Take a look at this website.

Data Entry Tax Details

Alter Depreciation assumptions for your forecast using the Depreciation Schedule pop-up box.

Data Entry Depreciation
Data Entry Loans

Calculate potential loan outcomes by selecting deposit amounts as a percentage of property cost or dollar-based value. 

Automatically calculate minimum interest only or principal and interest repayments based on your Repayment Frequency, Interest Rate and Loan Term (Years) data.

Add Loan Fees and Loan Deductibility to improve cash flow assessment and add to tax assumptions.

Calculate potential loan outcomes by selecting deposit amounts as a percentage of property cost or dollar-based value. 

Automatically calculate minimum interest only or principal and interest repayments based on your Repayment Frequency, Interest Rate and Loan Term (Years) data.

Add Loan Fees and Loan Deductibility to improve cash flow assessment and add to tax assumptions.

Data Entry Loans

Upon completion of your data entry you may progress to the Dashboard page by selecting the Dashboard or Next button.

Alternatively, select the Results button to go straight to the Results page.

Data Entry Progress to new Sections
Data Entry Save template

Annual users may select Save template if they want to create a new version of their forecast. 

Save template helps with the profit optimisation, risk management and comparison process.

Please review the Save Template how-to video below.

Annual users may select Save template if they want to create a new version of their forecast. 

Save template helps with the profit optimisation, risk management and comparison process.

Please review the Save Template how-to video below.

Data Entry Save template


Do you need more information? Take a look at our demonstration videos below: 

A summary of our Property Details section.

A summary of our Tax Details section.

A summary of our Loan Details section.

A summary of how to use our Save template functionality.

For more information about Investor Forecasts or any content on this page, please reach out to us.

The content and calculations of Investor Forecasts are for informational purposes only and are not provided as financial advice. They are not a substitution for professional financial advice and are to be used or relied on at your own risk. 

You should make your own enquiries regarding any potential investments or other financial transaction you consider entering into. We strongly suggest you seek independent financial advice from a qualified adviser before acting or not acting on any information contained on Investor Forecasts. 

We do not recommend disregarding the advice of such professionals because of something you have read, viewed, heard or calculations performed on Investor Forecasts.

Please refer to our terms of use for further information.